just Breaking Bad… – Part 7

A minute later we were sitting around a table in a conference room.

„What if the staff is shady?” One of the officers looked as if he wanted to withdraw and flee like the wind.

„I cannot give you any warranties.” I admitted honestly, looking with eyes widened at my splendid work.

„So what, shall we try? You live only once!.” I decided for them. Suddenly, I felt that it doesn’t matter to me. If I try it and my experiment fails, in the worst case scenario I will go to jail for what I did. And I still wanted to have some fun, whatever happens.

 „We can try…” said Łucja timidly. She looked up at me. I believe she was bored with this confusion. I smiled slightly and crumbled the crystals. I sliced them dynamically with my spoon and formed a thin line for everybody.

Young pussy stood up quickly from behind the table. He looked at us nervously. It was obvious that he did not make up his mind. He did not want to give up, but was also afraid of standing in the first line. So I started. For a moment I felt a slight smack on my head. I smiled and nodded. I knew how it works. I am not some teenager, but I tried some stuff in the past. I was satisfied with myself. The experiment was a great success. I wish I had this kind of classes at my University. My pulse quickened. I was smiling wider and wider. I felt like bursting with a surge of energy and I need to do something. My co-workers followed in my footsteps. I did not have to wait long for final effects.

We had one goal in our minds. I felt safe, and at the same time my courage hit the highest point on my personal scale. I looked at Łucja. Knowing what happens here during standard working hours, I knew that Aniela will join us. I offered to have sex. Here and know. And didn’t have to wait long for their reaction. Aniela was first, just as I expected.

Prawa autorskie

Wszelkie materiały (w szczególności: artykuły, opowiadania, eseje, wywiady, zdjęcia) zamieszczone w niniejszym Portalu chronione są przepisami ustawy z dnia 4 lutego 1994 r. o prawie autorskim i prawach pokrewnych oraz ustawy z dnia 27 lipca 2001 r. o ochronie baz danych. Jakiekolwiek ich wykorzystywanie poza przewidzianymi przez przepisy prawa wyjątkami, w szczególności dozwolonym użytkiem osobistym, jest zabronione.

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