just Breaking Bad… – Part 3

After about a week we felt quite comfortable in a new place. We even started to develop some everyday rituals. Like drinking coffee every day in the morning. Later, we would attend to our individual jobs. I was securing the computer content, recovering deleted files, looking for digital carriers, verifying licenses and so on. Ania went down to the archive. Her task was to search through the rows of cabinets heavily laden with documents, files and account books. Łucja was analyzing current invoices and other papers stockpiling in the secretary’s office. Aniela was really swamped with work, so she got three trainees to help her. I was watching them from the corner of my eye. I know that Aniela was flirting with them in her free time. And I think they sensed it. They decided to have some fun. Furtively, but very often they would sit in the duty-room, staring at the CCTV monitor. They mounted a camera in the upper corner of a room where she worked.

One day she gave a real show. Aniela knew that she is being watched. I think she counted on something more, with one of them at least. I am not sure if it was about a desperation. Well, she rather wanted to add variety to her dull professional duties. She waited until one of them, Janek, will stay alone. When he was looking at the computer screen, as he used to, he saw Aniela sitting on a massive table and spreading her legs on the chairs. He noticed that she doesn’t wear any lingerie under her skirt. Aniela was looking directly into the camera. He blushed slightly. He felt as if he were caught red-handed.

Aniela, with widely spread legs, unbuttoned her white tunic. In her glasses, swept-back bun, she looked more like a teacher than a private company worker. Her firm breasts jumped out from beneath. She caught one of them and licked her lips. Her second hand slid down in the direction of her skirt. She parted it even wider, so that Janek could see what she hides underneath. Her vagina looked juicy. She started to tease with it. You could tell that she perfectly knows, what to do to make herself satisfied. She was moving her fingers quicker and quicker. Janek thought that he will witness a controlled orgasm. But no! Again, she looked directly into a camera. So red-hot, unsatisfied. She stretched an index finger of her right hand and made a familiar gesture, inviting Janek to join her frolics. At the beginning Janek felt insecure. He wasn’t one-hundred-percent sure that she is into him. But he took risk. He went over to her. Aniela was waiting already. She pulled him in with his feet. She embraced his hips with her thighs. He undid his fly and entered her. There was no foreplay between them, apart from the little show in front of the camera. They were greedy. They made love for literally 10 minutes. He was squeezing hear breasts, occasionally kissing her lips, carefully painted with red lipstick. For a moment they froze motionless. After a while she started to get dressed and tidy up.

„Bring me some strong coffee.” She said as if nothing happened.

Janek, a bit confused after this awkward situation, headed obediently towards the secretary’s office.

Prawa autorskie

Wszelkie materiały (w szczególności: artykuły, opowiadania, eseje, wywiady, zdjęcia) zamieszczone w niniejszym Portalu chronione są przepisami ustawy z dnia 4 lutego 1994 r. o prawie autorskim i prawach pokrewnych oraz ustawy z dnia 27 lipca 2001 r. o ochronie baz danych. Jakiekolwiek ich wykorzystywanie poza przewidzianymi przez przepisy prawa wyjątkami, w szczególności dozwolonym użytkiem osobistym, jest zabronione.

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