How to live in a better world

„Energy is everywhere. If you match the frequency of the reality you want, you will have that reality every time. It”s not philosophy. It”s physics.” -Albert Einstein

How to live in a better world

We all live in a predetermined reality. We tend to think that we cannot influence it in any significant way. Because what can we do when swamped with all these news about the global crisis. Can we actually stop it? Recently the crisis has emerged as the biggest threat of all. We have the crisis – do this or that. We are in the midst of the crisis – shouldn’t we do this or that? Redundancies, unemployment, inflation, debt, budget cuts… We are supposed to be afraid. What else can we do? It is completely beyond us.

Let’s now take a look at the list of topics embraced by the TV, on-line portals and newspapers. They mainly cover scandals, wars, betrayals. Isn’t a bad news delivered as a good one? Most of the information broadcasted on the television is completely irrelevant for us. Note how often accusations tend to be presented as actually good news. What about the talk shows which usually end up with some quarrels instigated by self-satisfied interviewers?

Ask yourself a question: will you allow it to become your reality? If you watch TV news and talk-shows passionately or read daily papers and tabloids like a bookworm, you will absorb this infectious energy very quickly, whether you want it or not. You don’t live in a real life, but in a matrix created by someone else. You live somebody else’s life, not your own.

Let’s imagine that instead of watching the aggressive broadcasting, you simply take your family for a walk in the woods. Quietude of nature and contact with your family will become your most cherished reality. You will choose your individual energy independently. If you get close to selfish and aggressive people with an addictive personality, there is a risk that you will intercept their traits of character and bad habits. There is a Polish proverb: “Kto z kim przestaje takim się staje” (You become a person similar to your friends). The saying could be also modified a bit: “Kto z czym przestaje taki sam się staje” (You become similar to the environment you live in).

Napolen Hill, who examined causes underlying a personal success, concluded that our surrounding and neighborhood play a vital role in shaping the future success. People who succeeded did not bother about any external views and opinions. We discussed the crisis phenomenon at the beginning. Napoleon Hill found out that many successful careers were launched in the times of serious recessions. They did not allow anyone to push them into fear or depression; they were free of anxiety. They would rather take their energy from sources other than the overly dramatic world of media. Whatever your priorities are: your family, health, professional success… let’s better try to change or shift your point of reference. Don’t allow the media to persuade you into their way of thinking and expressing emotions. And remember, most of the information provided through such channels is completely redundant for your well-being. The media have been created to shock and not to develop your knowledge or fathom complex matters. Everyone has heard about the junk food. This also relates to the vast amount of news – junk information which is as detrimental to our souls as unhealthy food is to our bodies.

Your desires

Have you ever felt that you are doing something against your will? Definitely. Some of us deal with the problem for their entire lives. They went to college because that was the trend or their family’s wishes. They got married because that is what they were supposed to do. And you can give more and more examples. The problem is not about the pressure itself (most of us usually defends their personal views), but more about our imprecise desires. What are our expectations? What are our dreams? There are different reasons, but let’s focus on one of them – turmoil of information.

On the street we may notice how many people listen to MP3, surf the net through their mobile devices or read a morning newspaper on the bus stop or in the tube. This is a constant distraction. We never think about our desires since we are surrounded by this information buzz. Similarly, we never have a deep conversation in the disco. Time and silence are necessary ingredients of wise decision making. Even the great Napoleon would not make quick decisions. The great inventors, including Edison would willingly take short periods of loneliness and isolation. The reason is quite simple – they wanted to focus on their real desires and purposes. This requires isolation from distracting, junky information.

Try to eliminate, or at least restrict this media gibberish. You will be able to get a better insight into your own desires and come closer to them. Being aware of what you really know is a crucial and great personal achievement. It’s like switching to a balanced diet: nutritious soups, spaghetti, frutti di mare and a glass of good wine instead of a heated up hamburger and cheap Coke. Choose your positive energy!

Marek Falkowski

Prawa autorskie

Wszelkie materiały (w szczególności: artykuły, opowiadania, eseje, wywiady, zdjęcia) zamieszczone w niniejszym Portalu chronione są przepisami ustawy z dnia 4 lutego 1994 r. o prawie autorskim i prawach pokrewnych oraz ustawy z dnia 27 lipca 2001 r. o ochronie baz danych. Jakiekolwiek ich wykorzystywanie poza przewidzianymi przez przepisy prawa wyjątkami, w szczególności dozwolonym użytkiem osobistym, jest zabronione.

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